
What is Considered an Eye Care Emergency?

May 7, 2020
By: Dr. Dimple Kapoor

A yearly visit to your local eye care center is always a good idea.

By taking good care of your eyes, you ensure a lifetime of clear and healthy vision. However, some instances negatively affect your eyesight, especially if pain and discomfort are the symptoms involved. These are usually serious and require an urgent call to your eye doctor.

Eye & Vision Care, your local eye care center specializing in orthokeratology and other eye care solutions, shares situations and disorders that are considered eye emergencies.

Eye injuries or Accidents

The most common eye emergencies are caused by accidents. Prompt medical attention is necessary, especially if symptoms like swelling, redness, pain, light sensitivity, or blurry vision occur, to prevent partial or permanent loss of vision.

Foreign Object or Chemical Burn

Construction sites, manufacturing plants, and other similar workplace settings increase the workers’ risk of eye injuries due to a tiny foreign object or chemical splash, especially if there is no protective eyewear. While there are first-aid treatments such as flushing the affected eye with saline solution or water, immediate treatment at a local health facility is necessary to alleviate pain, discomfort, and other related symptoms.

Red Eye

Redness in the eyes could mean a lot of things, so it is important to have an eye exam as soon as possible for the correct diagnosis and treatment. Typically, it may be due to viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, or pink eye. Sometimes, it can mean a more serious disease that can threaten one’s eyesight, like uveitis—the inflammation of the middle layer of the eye—or ocular herpes—eye infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Eye & Vision Care is the leading one-stop shop for your eye care needs. We pride ourselves on offering services for the whole family, from annual eye exams to surgical management. We seek to preserve and restore our patient's eyesight by investing in the latest treatments and technologies. We are committed to accomplishing this in a comfortable environment, at affordable rates.

To learn more about our prescription glasses and contacts, give us a call today at (703) 783-1276. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve residents of South Riding, VA.